I did this mod a couple of weeks ago, but finally took pictures today.
The "2.0T" badge didn't make it home from the dealer. The "A3" badge got removed last December. I've been wanting to do the OOOO and finally decided to go for it. Every time I wash or wax the car it drove me nuts to have dirt/crud/wax in the crevices around the rings. It's not important to me to show off what I drive. Actually, being really low-key would make it less of a target for jealous people.
I let it heat up in the sun for a while, used a thin piece of plastic to get it started and just peeled it off. The glue residue left behind got cleaned off with Goo-Gone. I then claybar'd the panel and worked it over with Meguiars No. 7 Show Car Glaze and No. 26 Yellow Wax.
The result is exactly what I wanted. Next step on the way to extreme debadging: blank centre caps for the wheels.