
30 May 2007

Update: Still no compressor, no car, no loaner

OK, it's been three weeks now. The dealer claims that the compressor is on backorder world-wide, and is coming directly from the manufacturer, bypassing Audi's inventory. Still no idea when it will show up, it could be "...a couple more weeks..."

They also won't give me a loaner. Three weeks ago they promised to call me as soon as someone brought one back, but nobody ever called. Now they give me a long story about how they have a hard time keeping track of the loaners, and they can't give me one anyway since I didn't buy my car from them.

I called AoA Customer Service and was told that after the repair was finally resolved, I could petition Audi for compensation for my car payment. Sounds like a delay tactic - they certainly didn't put any real effort into making sure I was a satisfied customer.